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Íàø îïûò â äâèãàòåëÿõ — ñ 1990 ãîäà!

Internal Combustion Engines: Fault Expertise and Analysis
(Äâèãàòåëè âíóòðåííåãî ñãîðàíèÿ: Ýêñïåðòèçà è àíàëèç íåèñïðàâíîñòåé)

Chisinau: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2023. – 572 p.
ISBN 978-620-6-15367-2

Alexander Khrulev (Àëåêñàíäð Õðóëåâ)
PhD, Senior Researcher (ê.ò.í., ñ.í.ñ.)

Monograph in 2 vol. V.2. Practical determination of fault causes.


The book volume two described the operational engine faults, causes and features of damage and destruction of units and parts in operation. The main types of the damage caused by overloading, the use of inappropriate fuel, hydrolock from various liquids ingress into the cylinders, and impaired part cooling and lubrication are analyzed in detail. The impact of road conditions on operational failures, including temperature and humidity are shown, various types of external and internal pollution of engines, damage by corrosion, foreign objects and abrasive wear are considered. The influence of an abnormal change in the engine design to the faults, including the installation of non-standard parts, various methods of increasing power, and changing the type of fuel, is described. The methods for determination the failure causes by the features of damage to individual parts are given, the role of specialized sourses is shown, as well as of the study of vehicle history to correctly determine the cause of the failure. Recommendations on the preparation of expert reports and conclusions, including an assessment of the cost of repair work to eliminate faults are given.

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